Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The lake is one of the larger ones found in Minnesota. It's shallow, probably 20 feet deep at it's deepest point. The fishing is not so good these days. Anyone who goes out in a boat works for their catch. The state DNR recommends that people only eat a minimal amount of fish from the lake due to the high levels of mercury and other toxins found in the fish. It's usually windy and the shallowness of the lake causes some rather rough water at times.

The constantly blowing wind has an almost neurotic quality to it at times. If you can't make your peace with the weather you don't have any business spending any time up at the cabin. You can sit in back of the cabin if you want to be out of the wind but eventually the wind will drive you a bit crazy finally forcing you indoors where it howls through the windows.

The lake is located in central Minnesota, the god fearing farmland world of good Christian folk. The people are pleasant but to put it carefully rather conservative. Lots of big McCain/Palin signs were all over the place during the last Presidential election. This was a state which at one time prided itself on being democratic to the bone the party was called the DFL (Democratic Farm Labor).

The Franken/Coleman Senate race put an end to any domination of one political party in this state. The center of the state turned out to be very Republican.

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